The Personals

Men Only Please


Well, well, well,  would you look at this.  Tacky, tacky, tacky, a personals ad on her website?  No, it can't be true.   Geez, the nerve of some people.  

Believe it or not, there is a method to my seemingly utter madness.

What I figured was that any man who is over here and actually perusing my personal site to begin with has got to my kinda guy, and being that I've always been one to seize the moment and take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself.....well then, call it rude, crude, or whatever you like, but that's my excuse for the creation of this page.  While I'm apologizing, may I just say that I simply couldn't resist the music I chose to accompany this page, but in actuality I promise to be only kinky when appropriate, and don't worry about taking me home to Mother either.

My requirements are pretty simple.  While I won't say that "looks don't matter", it's not my top priority, but you can't be hideous either.  I don't like muscle men, it's a real turn-off.  After all, what better comfort,  just as in your childhood,  than a cuddly "teddy bear", but you can't be grossly fat either.

Before going any further, you'll need to take a short quiz.  It's just a simple set of scenario's with multiple choice responses to the situation.

Scenario # 1

It's time for bed and there are several of the FurKids that have already gone to bed before us.  There's really not much room for us in the bed too.  You would.

a.  have a fit and threaten to throw my beloved cats across the room

b.  just give up and go sleep on the couch

c.  leave the house threatening to never come back

c.  gently move them aside while smiling and telling them how cute they are

HINT:  Know your place and accept it.  You will never be more important to me than my FurGang, but if you'll simply learn to love and accept them, you CAN share equally in the limelight.  Can't we all just get along?

Scenario #2

My girlfriends want me to meet them out of town for a concert.  I've already made it clear that it's mainly a "girl bonding weekend" and you aren't invited.  You would:

a.  throw a tantrum and threaten me with violence

b.  tell me to have fun, while secretly plotting the party you'll have while I'm away

c.  go to great lengths to make certain that something somehow just "happens" that  would prevent me from going.

d.  Issue an ultimatum

e.  wish me a good time with my friends and plan to spend some quality time by yourself or with your own friends, while assuring me that you'll take good care of the furkids.

Hint:  I've been on my own for awhile now, and I'm seeking my soul mate, someone to enhance my life, not to take it away from me.


Do you feel you've met the preliminary requirements and would like to send me an email?  Not so fast buddy,  the next step is a thorough prescreening by the FurGang.  You can Email the FurGang at their very own Email address:


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