Welcome to the web home of the Smith FurGang, a virtual empire, of CATastrophic enormity.
The Smith FurGang is a large group of city cats from Hollywood, famous for swimming pools and movie stars. We're not exactly stars ourselves yet, but we were featured in the advertisement of a cat video game, filmed right here in our humble abode. We don't know whatever happened to it. Mom never got the copy they promised her (we TOLD her to get a real agent), but still, it was our first real gig and I'm sure that somewhere out there we have lots of adoring fans.
If you've landed on this page, you have not reached our actual site yet. On this page you find a synopsis of what's new with the FurGang, and believe me when I tell you that as quickly as things change around here, that could constitute an entire site unto inself.
The infamous FurGang of the "All My Kitties" home on the web, is currently a group of eleven rescued kitties, with one vacancy available to make us an even dozen. Mom says we have to wait for a deserving special needs brofur or sisfur.
Our human Mom of course is an integral part of our story as many of us would not otherwise be here. Our Mom can often be found lurking late at night under freeway overpasses in an attempt to rescue some creature or another. Naturally, we, the FurGang do not approve of this craziness, but Mom says that rescue is in her blood so it's something that we just deal with along with the addition of temporary fur family members now and then.
Our website is presently undergoing major remodeling, but we'll update you shortly with all that's new around here. Just one of our newly completed features is "Gem's Journey", a trip to Kitty Heaven with our dearly departed brofur. It's surely something not to be missed, and you can find it on our front page. You can go on in now....but watch where you walk, and we encourage you to wear a hardhat for your protection.