Webs I've  Created

Creating websites has become a true passion of mine, an obsession if you will.  I love creating new ones and often will not complete one before starting another.  I get inspired by a particular graphic or background and then I begin another site where I know it would fit perfectly.  I'm trying to get over my obsession and not to begin any more sites now, and to finish the ones I've started.  I must have at least twenty or thirty out there unfinished. 

My next project is to make my own graphics, and create a linkware website.  I just finally got a copy of PSP and I intend to learn how to use it.  See, here I go again....sounds like another project about to begin.

Many of the sites I've created are music-related.  They were mostly done before I got my web building program and were all created by hand using pure HTML, and no fancy programs.  I hope to redo all of those one day.

Following are just a few of my music sites...

The Classic Temptations Memorial Website

Eddie Kendricks - The Solo years

The Soul Of Bobby Womack

...And a few of my cat/personal websites:

All My Kitties

In Loving Memory of Gem

Gem's Journey

Remembering Farley

~**With more to come as I remember where they are**~



Background and graphics this page by Memories - Victorian Gifs