Those Who Come.....And Those Who Go |
Because I work in the field of Animal Rescue, family members sometimes visit us on a temporary basis. At the moment I am fostering a Mom cat and her two kittens. Momma's new name is Aretha and she gave birth to two sweet little calico females I have chosen to name Jasmine and Tulip. I have had the kittens since the day they were born and they are seven weeks old tomorrow on August 6, 2001. I adore them and will hate to give them up.
They have recently begun to climb the bedspread onto my bed and they keep me awake chewing on my ears, my hair, and walking all over my face. Be sure to click on the thumbnails to enlarge the photos.
Aretha has no idea just how close she came to losing her life, and the life of her unborn babies at a local Humane Society. Chosen for euthanasia just that morning, the tabby got lucky when a friend of our no-kill shelter who had dropped by the Humane Society just to have a look, noticed the lovely little orange tabby and thought she looked pregnant. He adopted her and brought her to us, mere minutes before it would have been too late for her and her unborn kittens.
An Update: (August 11, 2001) Aretha as it turns out, is not a very well cat. She has had two major seizures that I have seen, and who knows how many when I have not been present. She has allergy problems among other things. I have decided it would be in her best interest that I just keep her here at home with me where I can be better equipped to care for her. Well, Aretha, you officially join the "Smith Family Furgang". As far as the kittens? Well, they are still with me too, I can't believe no one has been interested in adopting them. I really would rather not bring them back to the, we'll see. Check back for further updates. Email me if you are interested in adopting these beautiful and healthy little girls, lovingly home raised and handled since birth.
Update! Update!
September 2001
Well, the kittens are home to stay. They are so adorable and my neighbor and friend Carolina who is a big part of our lives has forbidden me to adopt them out because she just loves them so much. Coming soon is an addition to the site called The Calico Girls where you will be able to watch them grow up in photos and stories.
On Monday September 17, 2001 Aretha was spayed and the kittens, now 13 weeks old, and who are almost as large as she, have finally stopped nursing on her. Over the past several weeks Aretha's health has improved greatly and I haven't seen any more seizures. Watch for Aretha to have her own page soon too.
Newest Temporary Members
Yes, this page is reserved for temporary members and there is always some type of creature that shares our home. At the moment I am foster Mom to a litter of four tiny new born possums, just days old and doing fine so far. I am also fostering an injured squirrel and hoping his injuries will heal. Photos of "Rocky" coming soon!!
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The Calico Girls |
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