When my beloved Angel Gem passed, one of the most difficult things for me to reconcile was the senselessness of it all. Gem had gone through so much in his early years and it just wasn't fair he was taken so soon after he had finally found happiness and love. I felt an intense need to do something in his memory.
My friend Carol had been doing pencil sketches for family and friends for years but hadn't thought of doing it on a professional level. As one of my strongest supporters during my grieving process, together we came up with the idea of offering her sketches for sale to the public on the internet in Gem's honor in the hopes we can benefit other kitties stricken by this merciless disease.
The earnings from sales of the sketches will pay for materials and minimally for Carol's time, with the rest of the income going to The Gem Smith Memorial Fund (for feline cancer research). Please visit Carol's website for samples of her sketches and contact information and pricing.
Carol's Sketches - Portraits in Pencil
Other Sponsors of the Fund
(20% of each purchase of Jafra cosmetics purchased from this site will go to the Gem's cancer research fund. Be sure to type "The Gem Smith Memorial Fund", or "feline cancer research" into the comments box when you place your order.)
Gem Smith Memorial Fund
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