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![]() *~~Page Two*~~ |
And so we, the Furgang, would spend 3 years in peaceful bliss, with just the four of us. Then one fine day Mom came up the stairs with one of those things she puts us in when we have to go somewhere. Lo and behold, inside was someone else with fur. She called him Gem, and soon she let him out to roam amongst us freely, invading our home. As it turned out, he was a nice guy and we all liked him after a few days, well, except for Farley who hated everyone but Mom. He sure did like to hog all of our toys though, and our beds too. Mom said it was because he hadn't had anything like that at the shelter where he'd lived for seven years. We felt sorry for him and so Gem became a founding member of the FurGang. He'd be with us for three years before the cancer got him. | ![]() Gem can't speak for himself, he was already gone to the bridge when this site was launched. As a matter of fact, he was the inspiration for the FurGang getting into website design in the first place. After all, we had to make a memorial site for Gem, and so then Mom felt we all needed a place to be seen and heard on the web. |
So now we were
five. Things were going great. Me and Shelby (at right)
hung out a lot. We were the best of buddies. Farley still
hated everyone except Mom, and Gem and Andy (below) hung out all the
![]() Nothing like a good meal to start off the morning |
Now somewhere over
the next year or so, Mom brought home two babies named Ross and
Rachael. Those two were so destructive. We got no sleep
for months. It was just terrible for all of us. I don't
know where they came from or why.
Hi, I'm Ross and this is my sister Rachael (our photo is on your right). Weren't we cute! Human Mom rescued our FurMom when she was pregnant. All the kittens got adopted except us, so eventually when we were about 5 months old, Mom took us home. So then we were seven. |
Were we the cat's meow, or what? |
Somewhere around March of 2001, Mom noticed a lump on Gem's neck. Things went downhill from there and Mom didn't pay any attention to any of us for two months. Gem got so skinny we could hardly recognize him. He got sicker and sicker. Mom took him to work with her everyday, and they went to every doctor she could find trying to make him well, but it wasn't meant to be.... | And so along with Gem's passing over to the Rainbow Bridge, came the end of an era, the closing of a chapter in all of our lives. Mom would go crazy then rescuing lot's more Furkids and things would never be the same for any of us again. It's important to note that there are only five of us founding members who still remain. I suppose it's time now to meet all of the the new family members. These guys are the second generation so to speak. |
Unbeknownst to we, the FurGang, Mom had been fraternizing with another fur person for over a year at her work. We hadn't smelled anyone in particular on her when she came home at night so it came as a surprise to us when another one of those containers came in with a strange looking cat in it. I wasn't sure it even was a cat. The ears were long and pointed. The face was long and pointed. And those feet!!!! I'd never seen anything like him in all my life. She called him Wilson and he would begin the second generation on September 29th, 2001, only a couple of weeks after Gem went to the bridge. | ![]() I don't care what they say, Mom loves my feet. |
Hi, I'm Wilson, and yes, I have seven toes on my front feet. I am very proud of this and like to just hang them over the top of the desk or any other place I happen to be laying at the moment. I'm the newest, and youngest member of the household. | I'm told I look a lot like my brother Shelby. All the human company says so. My Uncle Ritchie says I look like a jack rabbit, whatever that is. I have a lot of muscles and I like to chase Whiskey around the house. He runs from me and it's so much fun to tease him. |
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it's me Shelby again. Sorry to interrupt but that guy up above
looks absolutely nothing like me. My feet are normal. At
least they were last time I checked.
I'll check them again just to be sure. |
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